From Challenge to Choice

This blog post was originally written for Radiate Daily. To read the original post please click HERE.


It’s no secret that I love sweets. Cupcakes, candy, cookies, ice cream. You name it, I will devour it. That was up until a month ago. I decided to challenge myself and cut out sweets from my diet for 30 days. Let me state that I still allowed myself to eat yogurt (preferably yogurt made with honey but not other sweeteners such as cane sugar), a few flavors of Lara Bars, many different flavors of gum, and coffee creamer.

I will be the first one to tell you that I didn’t think it was possible for me to not eat sweets. I fully expected to fail in this endeavor. Many people asked me why I was cutting sweets out of my diet. I explained over and over that my body started to feel overloaded with crap. I was eating dessert most nights of the week, my joints were hurting, I couldn’t say no as much as I tried, I felt as if I was gaining unnecessary weight, and my GI issues were not getting any better. To be honest, I have been addicted to sugar for most of my life and I just wanted to see what my body would feel like without sugar for 30 days.

I decided it was time to really challenge myself and try to make a serious change. The prize at the end of the 30 days was Halloween – which meant alllllll the candy and a killer potluck at work, guaranteeing many homemade goodies.

Over the 30 days I struggled EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I thought about sweets, dreamed about sweets, salivated over sweets as I watched others eat them. Oh, let me tell you, it got real. I would feel down and out when someone in the office brought in doughnuts. I am ashamed to admit, I waited till no one was in the break room, held back my hair, and smelled the doughnuts in a ferocious, crazed way. And no, that was not the first time I delighted in the scent of the sweets plaguing my existence. But, I did NOT give in.

On the other side of things, my body felt great! I did not have my mid-afternoon crash every day at work, my joints were feeling much better (especially working out), I felt like I had some respite from my GI problems, and in general felt awesome about being able to kick a bad habit.

Come Halloween, I was pumped. I was ready. I was going to ease back into the sweets and have a fantastic day. But that didn’t happen… I started off my morning with mini chocolate chips in my yogurt. When I got to work I had a homemade cinnamon roll and a Twix. During the potluck I overindulged after eating “real food” and had about 4 cookies and 2 homemade rocky road bars. That night at my parents I had a cupcake in honor of my mother’s birthday, I had a Frankenstein rice crispy treat, and I was slamming candy like a kid on Christmas. I thought it was going to be a glorious day, but I was MISERABLE! I felt like complete and utter crap. I was bloated, my stomach was killing me, and I felt as if I could throw up any minute. That day goes down as one of the most awful food experiences of my life.

Needless to say, even though I thought it could never happen, this 30 day challenge has changed my life. I have decided to stay off sweets. I have gone from challenge to choice. Don’t freak out though, I will still allow myself a small piece of dessert on special occasions such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, if I’m feeling it. But I’ve realized that I feel better overall, physically and mentally, when dessert is not a regular part of my diet. I’ve actually been walking by the sweets on the break room table all week long without one desire to eat (or sniff) them.

Although it was only 30 days, I learned a lot about myself during this challenge:
-I can do anything I set my mind to, even if I didn’t believe in myself to begin with.
-Telling everyone about my challenge held me accountable.
-I can change my life by making a simple adjustment and sticking to it.
-I can get through any struggle.

I can say that my life is a little better and I feel healthier, first by challenging myself and then by making the decision to stick with the change.

What will be your next challenge? 😉

2016 Goal Check-In

Instead of 2016 New Year’s Resolutions, I like to call them my 2016 goals. Some people say that resolutions are meant to be broken. Is that why herds of people viciously abandon their New Year’s Resolutions? Or do they haphazardly make resolutions up just to tell to friends and family how they are going to change their life at the stroke of midnight of a new year? Who knows? For me, goals are something I constantly track and work towards (baby steps peeps), all year long. Not just a wishy washy promise made at the beginning of the year, forever to be forgotten by February (mid-January in some cases).

You may be thinking, it’s the middle of April. Why are checking in on your “2016 goals” now? Here are a few reasons. I do a goal check-in every few months to:
1. See if I am on track. If not I reevaluate my timeline and adjust the completion date. Sometimes these run over into the next year. It doesn’t mean they are not a goal for the current year, it just means I need to continue to work on them and I will eventually accomplish it, whether that be this year, next year, or the following year.
2. Make sure my goals are true to me. Why would I try to accomplish a goal if it no longer fits me, my life, my passions and dreams, or my focus? Nix them if they no longer apply to your life.
3. Adjust the goals to make them realistic based on the baby steps I’ve been working on. If there is no way I am going to accomplish a goal, even with the baby steps, I modify to a more manageable, but still challenging goal.
4. Reaffirm these are the goals I set for myself, not that others have unintentionally set for me. My goals are for me, by me. End of story. I’m not going to let someone get into my head by telling me, “I bet you can’t accomplish XYZ”. Who cares? Don’t make something a goal just to prove someone wrong (or right). (Read more about my struggle with proving myself in CrossFit HERE)


So…What are my goals?

To start, I accomplished one goal already in January – going through hundreds of family pictures and sending them off to be scanned and put in the cloud (I just didn’t have time and the money was worth it). The rest of these goals were already modified once in March. Looking at them, it’s uh, time to get real with myself…

  • Pay off final credit card by 4/1/17 I am changing the date to be more realistic. This is a bit too aggressive considering I’ll be paying rent again starting in July and need to reevaluate my budget. My new deadline is going to be 5/11/17 (my 29th birthday eeek!)
  • Move out of the parental units casa by 7/1/16 We are on track here!
  • Complete Associates degree in Computer Information Systems- Digital Media by December 2018 I have two degrees already. Really, I need to see if the entire degree is necessary for what I’d like to do or if it makes more sense to take the classes that apply to my needs and wants. I am already signed up for 3 online classes for this summer.
  • Get Powers of Attorney drawn up by 12/15/16 Working for estate planning attorneys I have come to realize how important this is. If I get in a wreck and go into a coma my parents and boyfriend cannot access my bank account to pay my bills or make medical decisions for me… Yikes!
  • Pay off IRS by 12/31/16 This goal is on track and not by choice. I’m on a payment plan.
  • Run 1.5 miles in 12:30 and run 1.5 miles 2x/week by 11/30/16 I’m nixing this goal and creating an entirely new one. Most people that know me have come to find out that I am a mermaid and mermaids don’t run.
  • Save $1,000 in my emergency fund by 12/15/16 I’ve recently had a set back with this. I emptied my emergency fund to pay a bill because I decided to spend money a lululemon instead of follow my budget (whole different blog post to come!)
  • Do the splits all the way down (center and side splits) by 12/31/16 I work on this pretty consistently 4-5 days a week. I don’t feel like I’m getting very far, but I will continue to chip away at it.
  • Only eat sweets on the weekends by 4/1/16 I have definitely already failed this. Boooooo. What do I do? I’m going to adjust the goal, reset the date, and try again.
  • Start my company (apply for LLC and have a product design ready to be manufactured) by 10/31/16 This is definitely something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while. I need to figure out some baby steps to get here first.

Drumroll… Below are my adjusted goals for 2016

  • Pay off final credit card by 4/1/17 5/11/17
  • Move out of the parental units casa by 7/1/16
  • Complete Associates degree in Computer Information Systems- Digital Media by December 2018 Complete three online summer classes by 8/7/16
  • Get Powers of Attorney drawn up by 12/15/16
  • Pay off IRS by 12/31/16
  • Run 1.5 miles in 12:30 and run 1.5 miles 2x/week by 11/30/16 Increase my aerobic capacity and general rowing ability by doing the Rowing WOD program and incorporating Assault Bike workouts 7/2/16 (read more about how I’m focusing on myself, my fitness, and my workouts after the 2016 CrossFit Open HERE)
  • Save $1,000 $500 in my emergency fund by 12/15/16
  • Do the splits all the way down (center and side splits) by 12/31/16
  • Only eat sweets on the weekends by 4/1/16 5/14/16
  • Start my company (apply for LLC and have a product design ready to be manufactured) by 10/31/16

There you have it, my 2016 goals! I will do another check around July, stay tuned!

What are your goals? How did you choose them and how are you staying on track?